Loran Speck
Loran was born in Stockton, CA in 1943. Loran distinguished himself early in life as an athlete, playing football for Oregon State University on a full scholarship, excelling in many track-and-field events. Bill Walsh wrote him to consider playing football at UC Berkley, but the beauty of the Oregon State campus had more appeal for him. Loran had no idea he had any talent as an artist until, as a pre-dentistry major, he enrolled in a science illustration class. It was there that he discovered the intricate detailing for which he would become known in the art world. He has been honored with featured articles in US Art and Art of the West. Southwest Art Magazine described him as a “tour de force of the trompe l’oeil technique, tinged with a reverence for the old masters.” A self-described “natural realist,” Loran believed that his work perfectly reflected many aspects of his personality, including his simplicity and love of quiet intimacy. Part of the Carmel community since 1977, Loran was known not only for his masterful talent, but also for being humble and gracious, a truly kind man who was hugely respected by every gallery owner and the many artists of Carmel. Loran’s gentle spirit, kindheartedness, and enormous talent will always be remembered... 1943-2011